How to fill out Job Search profile

Job Search profile is the essential part of the preparation for the job search.

After your career coach grants you access to Job Search Tools, you can proceed to the corresponding section of your LMS and start building your profile.

You will see an onboarding form right away. Onboarding consists of 4 parts - Locations, Personal info, Equal employment info, and Salary. This is enough to start applying, but filling out other sections will let you make use of our extension and autofill info such as address, name, LinkedIn profile, and resume.

There are 2 more tabs you can fill out - Profile and Resume.

Profile includes Personal info, Employment history, Education, Certificates, Equal Employment questionnaire, and an Additional info section, where you can add some common recruiters' questions and your answers to them.

Resume includes Resume and Cover letter, as well as Job Search Settings, where you can redo the onboarding.
